Monday, October 31, 2011
Say goodbye to October and say Hi to November XD
Time flies without notice....Today is the last day of October 2011...too fast too fast too fast~!!!review back what have I done in this months...Haha...Just realize that I went to travel every single weekend~Cameron Highland,Ipoh ,KL,and clubbing too>.< My money just fly away ~!Promise myself not to spend too much in this coming month....I think bread will become my best partner start from today...T.T *Pity Pity*
November is coming ~Going to super duper busy in this month...I have to sit for my mid-term test and lots of assignment and presentation in this busy november~Ops...can't really dare to imaging how much stress will come to me....Hate It la ....But as a student,I know this is the process I need to go through until the day I graduated! Hmm....what??? I still need to experience this kind of life 3 and half years if no resist or retake in my examination la......What the Hell!!!sob!T.T
Well...Going to sit for my Micro & Marco mid-term test tomorrow and then follow by effective communication skill,management and the last test is socialization on this friday..I know I should do my revision now but I really don't have the mood to study la....Just feel like blogging~!Ish....I'm soooo lazy =( Hope that I can do well in the test and same goes to all my friends too....Good luck to myself and to my beloved Kamparian =)
Last but not least,I wish all my family and friends good luck in this new month and stay healthy as always..bye=)
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Monday, October 31, 2011
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Back to life~
Going back to my Uni life again
Damn bored la..
Have to face lot of assignment,presentation,mid-term
Hate It la...
Run to KL for a week~
seriously I feel that I'm tired~I mean mentally and physically
I need a better rest~That is what I need now
Recharge my energy and I know I will do better after this~
so......Skipped my class~
sorry...=) I will do replacement after this la~~believe me XD
Don't really feel like going back ~
maybe I dun feel like want to face anyone
Herm....try to evade~evade everything
Good night=)
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Sunday, October 30, 2011
Monday, October 24, 2011
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Monday, October 24, 2011
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
go ANd listen this song ba~
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Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Happy Birthday to Esther!!Sweet 18=)
Well...the time now is already 1.13a.m ~MIDNIGHT! And I just came back from outside for the celebration for my friend Esther 18 years old birthday....I get to know this cute girl through my friend Jane~They came from same hometown-butterworth..(I dono I spell it correct or not)XD ...The first impression I get from this girl is pretty,cute,and also simple...we always chit-chat ,gossip here and gossip there...kinda happy and relax when together with them..just this girl facing some love trouble and don know how to settle it down ~I have the experience before too~so I might the one who really know about what her feeling now~Many of her friend keep advised her to put down the worst relationship,just like the time my friends advised me~She can't do it as she don know how to live without him~she not even dare to think about break up or stop the relationship~because falling to deep,so it's hard to pull yourselves out from it...Jane even ask me to advised her too~But as I said,No one can help you,you the only one to help yourselves~I just can share my experience to you if you really want to releases yourselves in that relationship~I know you will wake up one day~forcing you to forget now also not the better way to you....Gambateh ,my dear friend~!Quite heart pain when seeing you getting hurt bcs of him~=(
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Wednesday, October 05, 2011
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Unconsciously, september end and now already october,how fast the time flies..
we went to KL during weekend~have a lot of fun with my bestie ~our plan that want to help ah lao to celebrate his birthday was S.U.C.C.E.S.S!He received the surprises when the neway's stuff brought the cake and come in our room...
Let the photo do the talk for today =)
Just look from his action,how surprises he get that time=) His mind sure think that that is
unbelievable~His's face really look funny right=)haha...
make wishes~
Our lovely family's members~left Ah Boon and Kok hao =(
Friendship Forever!!
Fat lao with me~!
The end!!
It's all about today post...I know it kinda boring ~sorry...Gonna to sleep early as my class start at 9a.m tomorrow~~!!Will try to make it more interesting ~I'm promise=) good night!!
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Tuesday, October 04, 2011