Thursday, December 30, 2010

Our family gathering Kl trip

I just back from kl last night..have a lot of fun there with my family members..We knew that this is the first trip for me and mayb a last trip for all of we kinda appreciate the time we pass through together...I miss the trip so much...really..=( our MR. Lao Ji Hui not came back with us ...HE going to take the january he stay at there to wait till the course reopen..all of us feel so sad ...the last night at summit hotel,we led on the bed and gossip ...miss the time...My tears heart really she bu de...i know all of our family members sure have the same feeling as me...our friendship~the true one will call me just for asked me to go hot hot eat anymore~no chance to let you fetch me and be my driver chance to quarrel with you~OMG !i miss the time so much!!!!we gonna to leave each other soon...going to leave miss carol also!!the one always be with me go through my sadness,happiness ,and always support me since i was standard four ~7++ years!!haiyo~all talking sadness thing...well...i hope all my family and friend will have a happy and healthy life in 2011 !!!happy new year!!!^^

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

SPm is over^^

最近,从面子书上知道了有个人为情自杀了,我不想对往生者说出他的不是,但想对有机会看到我这篇文章的朋友们在这里说几句话。。或许爱是什么,我不懂~我不知道为什么有些人会赞成,佩服那些为情自杀的人,你们有想过你们的父母吗?难道这世界的灾难不够多吗?有些人连要活下去的机会都没有,而我们还有资格说我们不幸福,不满意现在吗?没有!!机会是留给我们的,为什么不好好珍惜呢?死,难道真的能解决一切的问题吗?死反而把自己逼上了绝路,只要我们还活着,没有事情是不能解决的。。我也失恋过,也彻彻底底的心痛过,但我也熬过来了,如果当时我选择死,那不是没有现在的我了,过了这难关,看回去,我只无奈的笑笑自己以前的傻~或许把 那次当成是你人生里的一个教训吧,提醒自己以后别再犯同一个错误了。。



Friday, November 19, 2010

last 4 days to go!!!

I m so stressful now!!!!!!!!!!spm just just just around the corner but i not well prepare for it!!how i going to do well in this???Exam is horrible la!!!i hate spm so much!!!recently,i always cry for nothing!!i dono the reason,mayb my brain going to burst!!a lot of stress i cant even to let them go!!Spm !!!

Monday, November 8, 2010


Saturday, October 23, 2010

1 month!!!!!

TIme flies~~~~still have one month then is the date for spm already!!!I wrote and promised myself before i will forcus to study!!but time gone...i realize that i wasted a lot of time !!what i planned before ,i does not work it!!!!!SPM=sedia pergi mati??what should i do now???too many subject!!physics ,biology,chemistry ,addmath!!!i still dono them la!!!study study study!!!!!!!

Friday, October 8, 2010


我一直在想,我到底能不能一个人生活呢?我习惯依赖,依赖这家里的一切一切。。。人心险恶。。这词,我清楚得很。。但我又能如何去防范,保护自己呢??唯一的方法,就是让自己变得更成熟,稳重。。想起以前的我,待人处事一点都不成熟,甚至为了小事都能让自己气的嘣嘣跳~以前的我,爱情至上,我为了爱情,得罪过多少的人,讨厌过多少的人。。现在想起,嘴角只会偷偷的傻笑,傻笑着以前的我。。很想很想在这里对他们说声抱歉~对不起。。。原谅我犯过的错。。。单身,让我成长了不少,让我知道爱情不是人生的全部。。谢谢伤过我的人,你们让我成长了不少。。我是个心直口快的人,因为这样让我结交到不少的朋友,但也让我无心的伤害到他们。。。琴,亿,翠,婷,ANNIE,祖文,积辉,国豪,还有我认识的朋友,对不起。。。我答应你们我会尽量的把我的脾气改改。。。希望你们多多体谅咯。。还有,谢谢你们常常在我遇到问题时,提供了我很好的意见!珍惜珍惜~~好了,爱情友情都谈过了,是该讲讲学业了。。SPM 要到了。。我呢还没有开始温习。。好多科根本读来读去也不明白~怎么办??等死??蔡同学,谢谢你常常教我功课!!感激不尽啊!!哈哈。。。没办法,时间不多了,现在也只能加紧练习而已!希望到考试当天,可以有70%的KNOWLEDGE!!


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

life now

left 47day then is the day for spm already!!but i m still havent ready for my subject!going to die le!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010



Sunday, September 26, 2010

Love this post so much~

有 一些东西错过了,就一辈子错过了。人是会变的,守住一个不变的承诺,却守不住一颗善变的心。 有时候执着是一种负担,放弃是一种解脱,人没有 完美,幸福没有一百分,知道自己没有能力一次拥有那么多,也没有权要求那么多,否则苦了自己,也为难了对方。 一颗心属于一个人,爱情里什么 是公平?爱的深,伤的深,爱情里没有不公平。爱上不该爱的人,是永无天日的叹息,爱了不爱你的人,是眼泪决堤的开始。 承诺是一张白纸,再厚 的剧本也有了结局,我想我知道眼泪的味道,就算付出每一分,每一秒我都不曾想逃。在这个世界上没有恒久的幸福,只有瞬间的惬意和安适。 查看图片 如果 你把我的感情,当成一场游戏,我玩不起,更输不起,花言巧语,谁知道我微笑背后的痛苦,爱由一个微笑开始,一个吻成长,最终由一滴眼泪结束,受了伤,结了 疤,最终还是留下痕迹,强迫自己忘了你,但爱过才知道,原来我并不能左右一切,也许无言才是最好的安慰,也许回忆是最好的结局,傻瓜也都一样,都逃不过悲 伤,因为有梦在心上,所以甘心流浪。 有些缘分注定要失去,有些缘分注定不会有好结果的,爱一个人不一定要拥有他,但拥有一个人,一定要去好 好爱他,不要轻言放弃,否则对不起自己。 不要因为没有阳光,而走不进春天 不要因为没有歌声,而放弃自己的追求 不要因为没有掌声,而丢掉自己的理想 其实每一条都通往阳光的大道,都充满坎坷。 每一条通向理想的途径,都充满了艰辛与汗水! 很多事情的发展注定它有个结束,好好享受美丽的过程,擦身而过的时候,我们应该学会遗忘,放声的笑一回,大胆哭一场,抬头望一望,一片灿烂 的阳光,相信时间可以改变一切!不要轻易让自己掉眼泪. 春有春的风情,冬有冬的雅致,人生各有各的美丽,各有各的潇洒,你笑,全世界跟着你笑。 你哭,全世界只有你一个人哭。当不能拥有时,唯一能做的就是令自己不要忘记! 查看图片 1.做 一个爱笑的孩子。 2.看穿但不说穿。很多事情,只要自己心里有数就好了,没必要说出来。 3.高兴,就笑,让大家都知道。悲伤,就假装什么 也没发生。 4.在不违背原则的情况下 对别人要宽容 能帮就帮 千万不要把人逼绝了 给人留条后路。 5.快乐最重要,谁人、何物、何事使 你快乐,你就同他们在一起。何物让你不快乐,你就离开他。没有条件,创造条件也要离开他。 6.不要老在别人面前倾诉你的困境袒露你的脆弱。 7. 学会用心的经营自己。 8.不要把时间浪费在上网和看偶像剧上。 9.一定要做个有教养的人。 10.要漂亮,更要有气质。 11. 一次只爱一个人,选一个单身的人,值得爱的人。 12.因为爱过,所以慈悲;因为懂得,所以宽容。 13.自己选择的路,跪着也要走完。 14. 善忘是一件好事。 15.没有十全十美的东西,没有十全十美的人,关键是清楚到底想要什么。得到想要的,肯定会失去另外一部分。如果什么都想要,只 会什么都得不到。 16.懂得从内心欣赏别人,虽然这很多时候很难。 17.两个人同时犯了错,站出来承担的那一方叫宽容,另一方欠下的债, 早晚都要还。 18.学会妥协的同时,也要坚持自己最基本的原则 19.自己不喜欢的人,可以报之以沉默微笑;自己喜欢的人,那就随便怎么样 了,因为你的喜爱会挡也挡不住地流露出来。 20.对自己好一点,心情不好的时候,什么都别考虑,去吃自己爱吃的吧。 21.维持自己觉得可 靠的社交圈子并且扩展之。 22.不要停止学习。不管学习什么,语言,厨艺,各种技能。 23.钱很重要,但不能依靠别人或父母,自己一定要 保持一定的赚钱的能力。 24.不要太高估自己在集体中的力量,因为当你选择离开时,就会发现即使没有你,太阳照常升起。 25.过去的事情 可以不忘记,但一定要放下。 26.即使输掉了一切,也不要输掉微笑。 27.不管做了什么选择,都不要后悔,因为后悔也于事无补。 28. 不要因为冲动说一些过激的话。 29.不要轻易许下承诺,做不到的承诺,比没许下更可恶。 30.不要觉得不了解也会有爱情。在不了解的时 候,我们仅仅是喜欢,达不到爱情。当彼此的缺点暴露出来以后,很多时候这喜欢也就会结束了。 _______ 爱是一种态度,根是由心底生出的,纯洁无私……不应该被物质欲望而笼罩,跪着活也是脸上挂满幸福笑容,但作为男人,应该努力奋斗为爱人撑起那属于彼此的一 片天空,女人也应该尊重男人那真挚的付出~无论结果怎样,毕竟我们选择了,互相作对方的拐棍守候一生……爱过闹过痛过,真爱如水,中间会有波涛汹涌,但更 多时是平平淡淡。认定了就别后悔抱怨,那不是真爱的成份,互相扶持,风雨同舟,直至终老……

Friday, September 24, 2010



Tuesday, September 14, 2010

For all my family member+ Danny seow and penny koh~



对于你,我并不了解,毕竟我们见过一次而已吧~对于他们,相信你也不是很了解,对吗?就如我们并不了解你一样,你的事,我们也从她的口中听到而已。。所以,相信你也是吧~我不懂你所写的有些人只需要一个小时不到的时间就能了解了,那我问你,你了解到的是什么?你了解的到底是事实吗?或许,是时候想想到底自己说的话是对的吗?有些人,做错事,不肯承认错,你是这样的人吗??愿你不是~对于她,或许你想找个阶梯好让自己能下台,所以说了那些话来保护自己!每个人都会受过伤,但痛了,自然会放!时间是最好的解药。。。我的朋友LIKE STATUS是想安慰你,不是要取笑你~我想你误会了~





Saturday, September 11, 2010

Kota Bharu trip~

Will upload the photo soon~~

9 september to 10 september 2010

The day before Hari Raya
Today was the last day for all muslim puasa~Went to work at my shop this 2 days...quite tired~My shop going to close for 3 days,my mum follow the trip to Thailand from9 september till 14 september...^^she asked us to take care of my little sister and the family...hope she can really enjoy well there,and Don forget to buy me thing ar...after sent my mum to the bus station,we decided to go to the ebistro for having our dinner...Have a walk at the china town there again~feel relax and comfort~

We walk the stone road really pain!!!We keep shout when we walked on it^^ really paiseh..hahaha..but i enjoyed the time with my lovely family

We bring our dad go to the CoCo Jumbo to have a drink~Without mother,he really go out with us 99..But he miss his wife so deeply..keep take out his handphone ~~I love this daddy so much!!!

This little girl like to eat~and she eat damn much a day!!

10 september 2010

Selamat hari raya to all my muslim friends...Woke up around 10a.m today..My dad no need to work so we had our breakfast at town city..we bring our maid out also...For celebrate hari raya to her..We told her that no need to work today,and today is her OFF DAY!My jie fu and sister came to our house for washing their car....after that dukai and my 2nd sister washing their car too..Having a lot of fun at there...

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

License P =)♥ ♥ ♥

I passed my JPJ yesterday^^really is finally passed doh^^3times le...if still no pass,i want go suicide le^^Get my license P today~Thank to miss Carol for fetching me go ^^Well...i just showed my license to my parent...they shocked because i never told them that i went to take the test^^haha....i want to give them a surprise!!

This friday is Hari Raya wish to wish all my malay friends selamat hari raya aidilfitri ^^Because for this reason,my shop very busy...So,tomorro morning i need wake up early in the morning to help them at shop...When i was small,i hate to go shop help them,because there is very dirty and smelly~I scared that my friend saw me at there and they will laugh at me!!so,I hate holiday!!!But now,i'm willing to go shop to help them...i know that they are really busy ~~They need me~My dad is a good father for me,he is a busy buddy...He think a lot for us...He try to give us a better life...and he did it....Thankyou..He is getting older,when i saw him carried heavy thing,my heart feel so pain,T.T I cant help him....and he don' let me to help him too...he scare that i will get injured~I promise i will be a good daughter,and appreciate what he had did for me^^




Saturday, September 4, 2010




Friday, September 3, 2010

New blog templates~

New blog templates~IS it nice??all begin new now~hope you all like it^^Spent a lot of time to look the new blog skin~finally I find it...The one I love the most~Hiak hiak
2 weeks holiday started!!!!I'm thinking how should i spend my time wisely~Trial just finished yesterday,that mean SPM coming soon~~T.T I know that I left not much time ~~so i going to do revision for all my subject..but i'm confusing...i really can do it or not!!!I'm a super lazy gal...when I start to open my book,then I feel sleepy...Any way to solve this problem???tell me~~~~
Went to had my dinner with my family last night at MCDONALD~~~There are a lot of people there because they are going to 'buka puasa 'so,we need to wait for so long to buy our food...a small quarrel between my mum and me,but luckily we are nothing!!thx god ^^

see this two little gal enjoying their meal so much

She eating the large burger~enjoying....

This naughty gal again^^

After the meal,we decided to go to Giant playground ~~I changed 5 token for the game mum and I had a competition for the car race...I m the winner ,haha...My dad said her that my mum is so 'cha'haha...enjoying the time with them so much...after that spent another two token for the mum and I played dad help us to look my handbag...^^

Went to meet my bestie after this,for the celebration for the end of trial ~~Met some of friend at yes corner too^^WE decided to have a walk at the china town there,took some photo there...

Jiayi and me


Thursday, September 2, 2010


I really scare now!!cant sleep because keep thinking the thing...arghh@@

what should i do ??????

Monday, August 30, 2010


31 ogos1957 ...Malaysia merdeka!!!!so...means that Malaysia is already merdeka for 53 years^^Well....let's shout MERDEKA MERDEKA MERDEKA~Should I say I love malaysia????One malaysia????lol...speechless la~but..i'm happy because tomorrow is a public holiday!!!that mean i no need to wake up early in the morning ~~No need to take my exam tomorrow!!let's we cheer for it~~
just now went out with two of my best friend...ting and yi~had our dinner at small thailand^^(mong gu steamboat)our favourite=)3 person ate 1 set and add on 2 plate of meat!!keep chit-chat at there...after that we went to the shop that next from the zies corner...i ordered ice blended milo~cheap +tasty^^continues chit-chat again~~girls ma...from one topic to another topic~10p.m plus...yi's parent coming to fetch us back we stop our conversation at there^^thank uncle ,aunt for sent me back home^^thank so much......i enjoyed the day with you from the truth heart...i enjoyed it much..friend....真心的朋友~=)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


physics paper 2 for tomorrow~~studying...but feel so sleepy....haiz!!!tired~~~~~~~~god bless me

Saturday, August 21, 2010

exam week.....

Trial for spm now....I try to work hard for this examination ~I know how important the exam for me~~but believe me..i try to do the best!!I have a caring and loving family member...I appreciate them so much...I love you all.....even this word I never say out from my mouth because I really shy to say this infront you all....XD last tuesday my dad came brought me after my chemistry tuition ,in the car he ask me some question








me:会啦,我会进TARC ...放心~呵呵~~

I have a caring dad~HE care of me so much...scare i cant afford the pressure~but I look like no pressure lah~~haha..anyways..i promised him i will try my best in my SPM ~that what i had promised to them....=)


Erm...i just realised that actually i just have a few of real friend~~ya..Real friend~The friends that still beside of me ,believe of me~~yea~thanks for yours Believe ~appreciate....^^

For those who had no chose to believe me~thankyou...I don't want to know the reason you be a friend with me before...利用????'s pass....just stop our friendship here ...because for you,i'm no 利用价值anymore~~

I know i changed a lot...change to more protect avoid to get hurt anymore....Am i wrong??I think no~I just realize that no need to 付出你全部的真心去对待你全部的朋友,留给那些真心对待你的朋友就够了!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010



Monday, August 16, 2010



someone send me this msg just now...omG ,i'm so touch la weih!!!even we are that kind not so close de friend,but i received the warm from a friend~*Touching*Thanks you so much...

Saturday, August 14, 2010

How you release your feeling??


Thursday, August 12, 2010

sHUTup !!!!

Can you shut UP please???You also the one who don't know everything!!!!Think yourself first when you try to scold or say someone!!Don' you make me hot!!!!Who are you ??no people want to hear your comment or advise@@okay??You know to say people 38 other people thing,but you also doing the same thing~and the worst thing is you still feel that you are not doing anything wrong~SOHAi LA!!!GONG!!!

KKKKKKKKeep your mouth shut !!No one want to hear what you talking are disturbing us,you know??if dun believe us then pls you go far away from us~~!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010






Sunday, August 8, 2010

schooling weekend~

I came back from the 2 days 1 night camp kecemerlangan Spm 2010 that held at the TEr ~Really having a lot of fun there^^Thx all my dear friend^^erm...actually learn a lot of thing from this camp~The situation at there really suitable to study ~The hall is cold and the tables so big..i can put a lot of thing on the tables~haha...If our school provide this kind of classes for student then i can make sure there are no student want to ponteng class anymore~so why the Jabatan Pelajaran Malaysia don't think about this ???Then our UPSR,PMR,SPM,or STPM result all sure very good and have a big improve^^Aren't this is a good idea??haha~Think about it~We had recorded a quite funny video at there,but some of them dun't let me to post in the facebook~so i had no idea...i should respect them tooT.TBut I will post this after few week..let him forget about this video 1st...Hiak Hiak^^

Nothing more to write,so....bye bye to you all 1st lo...^^i will upload my blog if i will got thing to share with you all ~here some picture to share with you all during the camp~hope you all enjoy it

i love this photo so much~

our family^^

wearing school uniform~

Thursday, August 5, 2010




Monday, August 2, 2010

Trial exam

Time passing so fast so fast~~Trial exam is nearer and nearer!!!!but i'm still no mood to start my revision yet T.T Today i 'm quite moody at school...i don't know what thing that make me moody,and I just felt don't want to talk so much ~~

I know i 'm not enough mature compare with someone same age with me ~~I hope I can be mature a bit!!I 'm the lazy gal...lazy to study ,lazy to do my homework,lazy to do my revision!but my trial exam is just around the corner...i don want to regret after the time i take my SPM result!I don want my parent disappointed on me,I dun want!!!!!If i dun want ,i know i should start my work today!!I hope my mind can really be mature!!!i dun want to so playful again!!!This is not the right time to play and enjoy life!!I know That how important the Spm result for my life!!I need the result to apply many thing !!My parent is a busybody!They need to work early in the morning!!They need to earn money for us!I know i should not make my parent to worry about me anymore,i already a 17 years old gal!I should do my thing by myself and try to don disturb them...I want to set up my mind to study,but can I???

Anyway!!i promise myself to do my best !!jia you!!!add oil!!!gambateh!!!!!
bye...good night~11.07p.m^^

Friday, July 30, 2010

I m who i m!!

okay..i should want to tell you all how is a person are me! I am the one who talk very straight to all my friend~for me,hate is hate,like is's really clear to know that!!i show my feeling through my face,my word,even my emotion!!I know some of them can't accept my style!!So what to do??i should change to the style you all like???impossibel!!i don't think the way i do are wrong!!so if you are not like me,please dun view my blog and don't even make a friend with me!!you'r not welcome!!!I really easy to believe on friend~i treat them with my full heart!!but they??i wonder why they like to play 心计 with their friend??I hate this jind of thing so so so much!!!!izzit this is call friendship??????Last time,one of my friend told me that,tis world no real friend~why should you want to take out your heart to treat your friend??you will get hurt in the end also,worth??I not agree what tis friend told me...I still believe on my friend!!even if the time all my friend lie on me but at least i still believe that my best friend CAROL LOK SEOK CHIN wont treat me that!!!so i appreciate her so much!!!really...I hope ,really hope that our friendship wont end till the day we die!!!can??

At here,i want to tell all of you,if you feel that where the thing i make wrong,please please tell me and dun keep inside ur heart..i really welcome to hear all the comment and try my best to change to the best!!!thanks!!!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

29 july 2010 4.19p.m

Skip school today and went to the library study for the coming trial exam~actually no mood to study~keep playing and playing~T.T tired!!! just reached my sweet home and i have a BM tuition later~4.30p.m...really lazy to go lar!!!!all of my friend n0t going to tuition today,but me??erm... still thinking lar!!!>.

I was waited for his message last nite...I'm so happy when i received his msg!!!!really...but..why i was so happy??Do i care him???NOP la!!!i dun wish it!!!!trying to put down the feeling to him ...i really scare to get hurt's really really pain!!my life fulfill with friendship and family~~i enjoy my single life now!!!i want single life and dun want to fall in love with any guy~so pls dun come on me 1st~^^haha

Monday, July 26, 2010


Congraz to my group member (li,zhuang,yee) WE get naib johan in the music fest~~hahaha..actuallyi felt that we are not really perform well in our song!!we are too panic and the mic are sososososo cheap~so ,we not expected to get a number in the end!!BUT

we get number 2 in the end!!!...Group yang mendapat naib johan ialah LEE SIET LI,LEE LAY YAN,LEONG MING ZHUANG,dan CHAI KIAN YEE!!!!We are shocked that time!!!this is the 1st reward in our competition~yeah!!!
I really like my performance in the duet~~i really enjoyed with it!!!THanks A LAO!!!although we no get any place ~~but i sure that all of them are really enjoyed our performance~right??we are the best in my heart!!!!
although qing them lose in the group..but they are really perform well well well in the competition!!You all are the best!!!our family member support you99!!haha~~love you all all the time^^
I really want to thanks all my friend for the support ya!!i really appreciate it touchT.T
the banned i sure will keep it nicely^^It's really really nice!!!!Anyway,i just want to say that So glad to meet you all^^ thanks and thanks and you all sosososososo much^^

Sunday, July 25, 2010

add oil^^

TOMORRO!!!!26july 2010~~oh...tomorro will be the singing competition ~~i had take part in duet (a lao and me)制造浪漫and group(li,zhuang,yee and me)~~ 再见北极雪

so scare so scare so scare so scare so scare!!how ??T.T i hope i can really perform well in front of 300 hundred people in front of the stage~~~add oil to miss carol,kok hao,annie,and my partner chee huey~~support you all always...dun forget the aim we take part in this competition ya...just want be fun^^lose or win not a important thing to us~~The important thing is ENJOY,right???^^yeah...jiayou...

Saturday, July 24, 2010

I going to be alone=(

Well..from now on...i going to be second sister is back to kl for her studies ~she came back 3 months for her holiday~In this 3 really happened many many thing to my house ~~ this changed really made our life different~and i know i need to used it on!!As a sister,i need to take care of my two little sister,my parents are busy for their business and they are lack of time to really look after them~~i know this is my 'job' as a sister...i just hope i can do my best lar~~Should be more mature after this!!><
I going to sleep alone after this!!!Argh!!i never sleep alone in the night since i was small...but now i have to do ??how??T.T i miss the time when four of our sister sleep together in a small's really warm~~We talked our secret together,cry together,even we quarrel together really a sweet time~but now no more...we are hard to be together like last time....can the time turn back to that time???pls~~
nothing more to write here..going to sleep alone today~~Tonight will be a good night??i hope it will^^good night!!

Friday, July 23, 2010



Thursday, July 22, 2010

Okay...before i post tis video..i should say sorry to miss carol.hwee ting and siet li...haha...i had promise you all not to post this video at facebook so i post at here=)dun scold me...^^this dance is create from me^^

happy birthday to my sweety ting~~

21july!!happy birthday to you,ting!!!^^

We went to celebrate ting birthday just now!!After school,we went to miss carol's house for taking bath at first..Today,siet li drove her mummy's car out and be our driver for the whole day..haha..thanks ya siet li jie jie^^appreciate so much...after finished bathe...we decided to go secret recipe to had our lunch...Reached there almost 4.30p.m already...we are sososososo hungry la!!haha...we quickly order the food that we want to eat..haha..i ordered the grill mushroom chicken ~~nice^^

Our next destination is Batu burok beach...having a lot fun at there...

four of us~

birthday girl^^

tis cake draw by the birthday girl..nice,right??^^
okay la..nothing much to write the time to sleep le..good night..and sweet dream to all my friend^^

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

21july 2010(wednesday)

Oh gosh!!i don know what happen to me actually at school today...Why my tears was drop that time??What happened right now???i confuse!!I try to dun think too much and cool down myself!!My friend asked me what happened to me,i totally cant answer it!!because i really shock!!!Emo??Should i always hi with you first all the time??and i just waiting for your respond???when your mood are better then you will reply me .but when your mood are down then???I dun want to do this kind of stupid thing anymore!!!!!!I hate myself when i doing this stupid thing!!!I dun wish to lost you!!!T.T
but i felt that our distance are become more far and far...what can i do??No one know i writing who now...because i never tell you all who r the one i keep talking about...I hope they will not simply guess who r the person~~pls~~~

Sunday, July 18, 2010

what the meaning now???

We are stop sms since 4 days le~~~what mean is that???
you going to give up our friendship???
because her???

Tis post totally for you~

something we really hard to say it out infront i choose to write at here..hope you can see know what we angry for??not because you had bluff us...but we angry that why you still duno how to protect and love urself...'Friend' is actually what meaning for you??Can we know that??Just the person to accompany you when you'r free ?????You heard what we advised you before??You know how much we worry about you that night??We cant contact with you ~we dono where to find you....We worry how r you ???YOU kNOW THAT???? We phoned you for so many many times...but you got reply us????TOTALLY NOT!You still remember what you had told me that night??You told me that you r at home that time...BUT the truth is what????After know that ,how disappointed we are,you know???We keep thinking why ,why you want to bluff us...?Are you appreciate us???Are you???

Friday, July 16, 2010


Today our Miss carol came my house and fetch me go to tuition..The 1st time she drive car and also the 1st time i sit her car...erm...actually she already ok in driving le... so here..We want to say good bye to all the TaXi..we no need them amymore!!Hooray=)

Well...after the addition mathematics tuition...we went to The Chicken Rice shop and had our breakfast+lunch...We planned to go MIss carol house for the sing K sesion and prepare for the singing competition ^^i had take part in a group ~me,siet li,ming zhuang,and also kianyee....we had rush on time to choose song anymore..we do our best when practice just now~~Hope we can sing more good in the competition lo...God bless us=)We are form 5 student already^^we need more experience or can say is memory ....hehe
I think i'm facing some trouble in my life...i know i' m always stay good with him ...many of our friend think that we are fall in love with each other ..but~we are really friend!!!right??why when i knew that you sms with other girl and you 'MAY' fall in love with her ..My heart feel uncomfortable??why??i know i never fall in love with you but just act you as my super good friend!!!I dono why this feeling wil come disturb me!!!Can they go away?!!!=(What happen on me??haiz..

Tuesday, July 13, 2010



Monday, July 12, 2010

I failed my JpJ AgaiN

well...i'm quite moody now..just now i went to take my JpJ test ...but I failed it again ~T.T
I'm tooooooooo panic le...woke up at 5 a.m today...cant sleep well actually~keep thinking this and that..I'm not confidence on myself at all...that's why i felt scare till i cant drive it well!!!you know what the wrong i made??I forget to put down my HAND BREK!!Ough!!when i know this my mood down....i knew that i going to fail again...Here ,i would like to thank the JPJ tester~Tuan wad wad are a good tester compare with that last time one!!^^You are quite patient on me...Thank you ya!^6^
OHya~i going to retake my JPJ test again...but when should i take the date??august or september??August i have to face my trial sPM exam~~but if september retake ,is it too late??Pls give me your opinion~kay??i really confuse lar...Hope i can pass my test as fast as possible la..i really dun want to go bitara again!!Pls~~

Saturday, July 10, 2010


有的人不爱,但是因为时间在一起 有的人明明相爱,但是因为时间而分开了。
女人18的目标身份证 , 2 8岁的目标身份 ,3 8岁的目标身价。



Saturday, July 3, 2010

be strong girl~

I know what her feeling...because i feel it's really really pain...sweety~be strong and happy...i know it really hard to do..but promise me to try,kay??Time is a medicine for you and the one who same situation with this..I really dun want to see you like last time de me...We can't control what they did to us..We just can accept it ...CrY??Worth??They have their own memories in the short time...but we have too...And i believe that we will have a better memories !!!Right??^^

Take it easy la weih...this not a serious problem to us~this just a small small case...haha!!Gambateh!!!!I love you!!!we love you!!!angel love you too^^^muacksss

Sunday, June 13, 2010

GEnting and KL trip


Friday, May 21, 2010

I love peace!

Recently too many thing happen to me and the one i really care ...why all the thing will become like tat?all the thing become worst and we are no way to solve it !we are scare..those thing make us cant even to breath..what should we do?we donno...we are try to think the best way to solve tis but our mind are totally can tell us??GOD??Now i just can pray to the GOD...GOD bLESS us,kay??T.T

I just need a peaceful life,but can I??why so many bad thing keep come to me ??I want to rest,i want to shout,I'm really tired now!!!Can i close my eyes and all those thing just a dream??can??WE are suffer !!but how many people will know it??I think nobody~Anyway..i know i need to be strong ,be tough!!i know i need to face many problem after this saturday!!i hope all will be nothing!!god bless us,k??bless us!!we need you badly!!

Today is my 2nd sister birthday!Happy Birthday to you,my lovely sister^^all the best to you and stay happy ya~~I'm sorry ...for the mood...but believe all the thing will pass de...together add oil ba^^i love you...

Friday, May 14, 2010


Well...i realize tat i m really lazy to update my blog^^First..i realize all the thing already~thank you because you really make me wake up from my stupid "dream" (tat ultraman told me tis)
For you..
i really speechless...go on what you going to do...thank^^
For my friend
Can you be pure be true be yourself????dun too fake in front male can??i really dun want to say you such as h*** r really nice and good..your image for me are good...dun because of this break our friendship la,can?please~~
For those bitch
Can you all dun so bitch ma??people already got girlfriend come hiao what la??when he chase you ,you dun want accepted him...then why you want to disturb his life again??why want to phone him,why want to sms him??If your bf also like that so what your feeling??please very clever,but why you want to do such thing ??i really dun understand la!!!

For my dear qing
Be tough ,be strong!!dun forget that we are always beside you^^Fight for your future ,dun let your daddy disappointed!!you can do it de!!i believe you!!friendship forever^^my dear!!!I LOVE YOU^@^muacksss

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

sweet 17~

hey hey hey..i am 17 years old right now~i just pass my birthday last week~there was my memorable birthday party ever^^ thanks for who had attended my birthday party~appreciate ya~I really enjoy very much there..All the pictures will be uploaded as fast as i could~lastly,happy birthday to myself ya..wish my dream all come true~

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

sharing my life to you~^^

tis gal again~she acting pose~~


how you feel about tis little gal??

my daughter and my new son LELE ~~

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Blog relive!! blog is neglected for so long m back~~many thing had happened in this few month and now i'm back to single again..Now all student are having our march holiday~i m so bored.everyday rotten at home,look after my two little sister,lay yi and lay xuan..(tis naughty gal)^^hope all my dear friend will have a wonderful holiday~

ok lar...ntg much to write here.bye^5^

Friday, January 1, 2010

2010~~~happy new year^^

yea...this is the 1st day of 2010..i hope tis year is a lucky and happy year for me and my beloved ~~i will sit my SPM tis really scare..bcs form 4 played too much le..haiz..regret now!but i will try my best tis year!!give all the concentration to wad teacher teaching..i hope i will do it la ^^haha