Thursday, July 28, 2011
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Thursday, July 28, 2011
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Pissed off!!!
Pissed off pissed off pissed off!!!WTF!I'm so unlucky ~! ~Some of my assignment group mate doing nothing for the assignment~!!Pls la!YOu want go to semester 4 then you go yourself la!!Assignment mark is very important for me!Stupid!!!Pls be discipline,independent okay????!!!I not your who!I also very lazy to call you all passed up this and that!Say okok but what you had done for me???RUBBISH!!!If you guys dun want to do then kindly tell me,I can help you and say to our lovely tutor!!That Not a problem !!!THankYou!And I think I need to tell you guy that Don't try to challenge me ~!I will do anything if I really Behtahan with your style/attitude !!!This is my last warning to you !!Please be alert !!
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Sunday, July 24, 2011
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Facing a lot of stress now!!Mid-term exam,assignment,presentation.......I just hope I can cope with it...!I hope to get a better result !But I lack of time and strength to move forward!~!Who can help me ?????担心的事越来越多了,脸上的笑容反而越来越少....李丽燕!你到底怎么啦!做回自己~不要去在意别人的眼光!!
I feel warm ...I'm not alone!~! A lot of my hometown friends always give me a call me and sms me ,always ask my condition,care me a lot a lot..I can feel it!!^^!I'm fine...dun worry about ur ah yan!!Ah yan very tough de la^^thank you ya..Friendship forever!!!Muacksss!
That all for today!Just feel want to blogging ~!Stay tuned with me ya!
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Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Break my own record!
I break my own record~eermhem..I din sleep for whole night !First time...we stay at lakeside and go Mcd at 4a.m just for their breakfast...How crazy am I!Maybe a lot of you guy tried this experience before~BUT...this is my first time~haha!!study study and study!!We really did it....we really STUDY there!!NO JOKE!hehe^^
Reached my hostel around 8am ..I tot I can have a good rest but I failed!Gastric killing me again!SH*T!I hate gastric!!Feel like vomit ~totally uncomfortable!Anyone help me???T.T I miss my home seriously!I still can remember that when I having gastric,there are sure got a lot of food waiting me to eat them~!My family are so worry about me...but here???no MORE!no ONE will prepare the food for me...How pity am I!But luckily I still have a nice housemate that willing to go da bao for me!NO more spicy food for me today!I know I need to really take care of my body before it become worst!!!
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Saturday, July 09, 2011
Friday, July 8, 2011
8th July 2011
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Friday, July 08, 2011
Friday, July 1, 2011
JUly~New month with new hope...
JULY...Time flies...I been stay here around 1 month...How my life's going on here??Hmm...I'm enjoying my Uni life now...there are a lot of activities held in the campus...and I really enjoyed it well...What a wonderful and interesting life~!A lot of assignment already shoot to me....sociology,critical thinking,economic,basic english ...24 hours are totally not enough for me...some more ,there are still have a small test ...I done my 1st test in Utar!feel so nervous and stress...I hope the result will make me satisfied...PLs.! I hate my Panda eyes now~!It look ugly!!arghh..!!!
I met my KT friend last week...really enjoyed my time with them~!My dear carol,jiayi,annie,ah kit,lao 9,trishal,waihao~My hometown friend!~!So yeah, must have a next gathering someday soon!I'm waiting!~Oh ya...I want to thanks miss jia yi tat keep be my driver that two day~!Thanks a lot ya.. =)
Overspending in this month !!keep shopping shopping and shopping!!I need to control myself!!!this is what i promised to do =)Believe me la hor...
Lastly...I hope all my lovely blog reader good luck in this new month and all the best~!!stay tuned with me always...
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Friday, July 01, 2011