Saturday, July 9, 2011

Break my own record!

 I break my own record~eermhem..I din sleep for whole night !First time...we stay at lakeside and go Mcd at 4a.m just for their breakfast...How crazy am I!Maybe a lot of you guy tried this experience before~BUT...this is my first time~haha!!study  study and study!!We really did it....we really STUDY there!!NO JOKE!hehe^^

Reached my hostel around 8am ..I tot I can have a good rest but I failed!Gastric killing me again!SH*T!I hate gastric!!Feel like vomit ~totally uncomfortable!Anyone help me???T.T I miss my home seriously!I still can remember that when I having gastric,there are sure got a lot of food waiting me to eat them~!My family are so worry about me...but here???no MORE!no ONE will prepare the food for me...How pity am I!But luckily I still have a nice housemate that willing to go da bao for me!NO more spicy food for me today!I know I need to  really take care of my body before it become worst!!!

  Can you guy see my dark circle and my sick face??This is what I get from here!!