三个月过去啦。。就这样在大学的三个月过去了。。三个月说长不长,说短不短。。还记得刚刚来到这里时超级不适应。。每天都过得很辛苦~很想家。。那时,唯一想的就是快快过完三个月然后回家!今天~我可以回家了!回去见我的家人朋友~开心指数飘升到100!哈哈。。三个月里,真的让我成长不少~我开始不再依赖家人,自己也能照顾自己咯。。大家都说大学是半个社会。果然是真的~!人心难测啊~在这里,我见到的是许许多多的陌生面孔~大家都带着面具做人。。真真假假...很让人害怕...我也改变了,变得不在意了...不在意别人怎样说怎样讲.....朋友?太好笑了 !朋友,我当你是朋友,你呢?把我放在心上吗?想想那天你是怎样对待我的?那天,我灰心了~也看清楚你..算了吧,也不想在解释,你利用朋友,两次了~!!忍无可忍了!×不要对号入座×所以说家人才是唯一能让我永远依靠的肩膀!当然我不是说全部朋友都一样,我也有知心的一帮朋友!我了解他们,真心的对待他们,当然他们也是!我很幸运~我找到了!找到了!哈哈!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
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Thursday, August 25, 2011
Latest news~^^
Let's the photos do the talks for today..lalalalala
Last Presentation In sem 1~Critical thinking...
Big Jeff~!He going to Taiwan soon...We miss him damn much =(The lecturer class without you very weird la..Can't hear you call me auntie anymore!Can't share your secret anymore!By the way~Please take a good care there ...Study hard hard ar!Don't keep playing and playing!!
All helpers took a photo with wilber pan!He just stand behind me !!OH MY GOd~!Somemore he put his hand on my shoulder!so lucky la...haha..Crazy over UUUUU.....I love him so much..Friendly, Funny,Nice + handsome!!!!!!!arghhhhhhhhhh=))
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Thursday, August 25, 2011
Sunday, August 14, 2011
I fall sick again again and again~Fever,cough,flu and sore throat come to me together..wt* suffering now... sleep and sleep this weekend...I don know why I still feel tired after I slept for so many hours!Damn it!!
Let's talk about my life ..recently I feel that I changed a lot...I closed my heart and don let anyone go in..what happen har?out group??? Tomorrow is the mid-term test for basic english ...that mean I going to GG in this test again!OMG!!no mood to study at all after the mid term test!!Someone pls slap me!!!haha!
Miss my hometown so much la....Going back on this 27 august!excited!!Wait for me ya kay tee!!I got a lot of dates already!BTW..I know i still need to study for my final exam!!I will..I promise^^TaK sabar sabar want to go back and meet my lovely family members^^this is what I waiting for and make me feel happy^^tata la...
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Sunday, August 14, 2011