Monday, April 18, 2011

18 April 2011

The time now is 12.51a.m and am still awake..maybe insomnia again tonight~=( Just finished a taiwan movie~As you know am love to watch taiwan or hong kong movie than korean and japan movie~hehe..Am know am going to kill by those are loving the korean movie or song...But..I'm still support taiwan and hong kong movie!!!Hiak hiak~
Here the movie that am just finish watched~ 犀利人妻~ The Fierce Wife

Xie An Zhen was happily married with one daughter until her husband cheated on her with her cousin. And the ensuing divorce became a battle of love and wits. The story start from here...and how was the ending ?? watch yourself bah~ Rate for the movie 9/10 (must watch)

Remember to share your comment here once you finished the movie~I'm waiting for you,kay??
That all for tonight~ciao!good night~